Corsolog Multimodal Ltda.

Multimodal Logistic

Our Services

Maritime Transport

Air Transport

The world business changes very frequently, making new oppotunities ands experiences. Because of this, our air trasnport departament, allows solutions to our clients for quality logistics in “Just Time”,thus having a personalized attending because any detail makes a great difference in the final operation.

Custom Clearance

Our company acts in the Custom Clearance in the Importation and Exportation area. We make the elaborating of costs of import, goods classification, import declaration and import license.

In the Export costs we elaborate all documentation that belongs to the process (SD, RE, Origin Certificate, Invoice, Packing List, Credit note analysis) and the follow up of all legislation alterations.

Consenting Organs:

Road Transport

Our company acts in nacional territory,using aggregate vehicles and from partner companies. Maritime cargos of Import or Export in the regimes of customs bonded warehouse, customs transit, stocking of dry cargo, refrigerated, of project cargo, IPA custom terminals and redex terminals.

Planning, movimentation, overmeasure cargo transport with special equipaments.